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Press Releases


GreenLab Partners with Ginkgo Bioworks to Scale Up Production of Brazzein, a Novel Sweetener

GreenLab, an emerging next generation plant-biotechnology company producing complex proteins in corn, and Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), which is building the leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity, today announced a new partnership. Together, GreenLab and Ginkgo aim to enable production of brazzein, a sweet-tasting protein found in the fruit of the native West African Oubli plant, at commercial scale. The two companies have previously partnered on a project to develop an enzyme for GreenLab's PFAS degradation application. Read More


GreenLab Selects Ginkgo Enzyme Services to Develop Novel Enzyme That Breaks Down 'Forever Chemicals'

GreenLab, an emerging next generation plant-biotechnology company producing complex proteins in corn, today announced a new partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), which is building the leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity. GreenLab is developing a product with the purpose of degrading PFAS and will leverage Ginkgo Enzyme Services to discover a novel enzyme of critical importance for use in this application. Read More

Plant Biotech Founders Work to Redeem Green for Earth Day 2023

Statements by Dr. Elizabeth E. Hood, Founder and Director of Research and Development and Karen B. Wilson, Co-Founder and Director of Corporate Development, GreenLab, Inc. Read More

GreenLab, Inc. Announces Ryan Schon New Chief Operating Officer

GreenLab, Inc. names Ryan Schon as its new Chief Operating Officer. Schon will help lead execution of the launch strategy of the company’s GreenLab Vector Technology (GVT) platform introduced by the biotech startup earlier this year. Read More

GreenLab Vector Technology Platform Launch Offers New Unlimited Scaling Capacity for Designer Protein Manufacturing

GreenLab, Inc. announces launch of the biotech startup’s proprietary vector technology platform. GreenLab Vector Technology (GVT) greens recombinant protein manufacturing by transforming novel proteins into highly scalable corn multiplied exponentially across acres of cornfields. Read More

GreenLab Closes $5.2 Million Seed Round

GreenLab, Inc. announces closing a $5,268,944.44 seed funding round. The group of investors from Northeast Arkansas represents a cross section of the agricultural industry who understand the critical role of sustainability and value of optimizing proteins. Read More